chris taylor

Chris Taylor

Since I was five, the only thing I’d wanted to do was become a helicopter pilot. 

Executive Advisor Chris Taylor started his career as a helicopter pilot in the Army. 

He went on to get a PhD in chemistry and pilot many different organizations in fields as diverse as medical devices and data warehouse automation. Varying in size from start-ups to members of the Fortune 500. He quickly came to realize two things. 

First, the greatest asset these companies had was their people. 

Second, despite best efforts, many of these organizations failed to optimize the contributions of their human assets. 

Chris uses Behavioral Analytics tools to solve the difficult human problems that businesses face, primarily the challenge of getting the right people in the right seats, doing the right job. 

He devotes most of his efforts to those who pilot small- and medium-sized businesses, because they are the future of the American economy. They are the source of most new jobs. They are also the source of most innovation. They create the best and most humane working environments. 

They are the enterprises that truly aim high and are flexible enough to quickly elevate their game.

Chris Taylor Consultant