Behavioral Analytics tools are all about getting the right people in the right seats doing the right things.
Easy to say. But how do we do it? We add a little science to a process that, in the past, has been based on intuition, a feeling, and quite frankly, guesswork. In today’s world, that’s not good enough.
Behavioral Analytics tools are based on a short survey that candidates take – 10 or 15 minutes max. It looks simple, but in fact, it’s very sophisticated. Based on the answers, the algorithms measure important character traits. Here are some of them.
Independence. Do people like working alone, or do they prefer to be part of a group?
Outgoing. Do they feel comfortable in a group of strangers and don’t mind being the center of attention? Or are they more introverted, only feeling comfortable in the company of those they know and trust?
Eagerness. Are they people whom others might call hasty? They can’t wait to finish a job and get on to the next challenge. Or are they the opposite? People who take their time and absolutely refuse to be hurried.
Discipline. There are people who love rules and like to live and work in an ordered universe. And then there are people who believe that rules don’t really apply to them and are perfectly happy to go their own way. Both are needed.
Many more traits are measured. But when the algorithms do their work, they create a host of classic character profiles, based on these traits. Here are a few.
They all have their place in most organizations. But how do we identify them and get them in the right jobs?
As I’m sure you ‘ve guessed, we use Behavioral Analytics tools to empower leadership teams to analyze and create an ideal profile for every job. We review the profiles that candidates produce and bring in those who have killer backgrounds and who match the profile leaders created for the job.
But it doesn’t end there. Because although Behavioral Analytics tools can do many things, they can’t really measure intelligence. They can’t really measure creativity. And they can’t really measure values like integrity, which are extremely important.
That’s your job. That’s what you do in the interview. For my guide to interviewing, click here for The Art and Craft of the Interview.
If you’d like to find out more about what Behavioral Analytics tools can do for your organization, book a free consultation here.
But the greatest benefits come when leaders in an organization are trained in the use of Behavioral Analytics tools and begin to use them to build high-performance teams by shaping their communications with key members of their team. Because individuals need individualized ways of speaking to them. As in so many things, one size doesn’t fit all. And the better leaders communicate with people, the better they can motivate them. Once leaders realize and act on this insight, they go from good leaders to great leaders.
With Behavioral Analytics tools and The Art and Craft of the Interview, you’ll be confident you’re getting the right candidates in the right seats, and doing the right things. And communicating with them more effectively. Much more quickly and efficiently than before. The benefits for your company will be felt immediately and last for years.
To find out what Chris Taylor and Behavioral Analytics can do for your organization, please fill out the form below
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